You know, I'm not talking about definitive prove that Cobb's dreaming, things like being chased around the globe by anonymous corporations and police forces over the streets of Mombasa into an stretch very dreamlike alley. They are like 20, and they can't reach you, and they can't bloody shoot, and the shitty waiter doesn't want to bring you a goddamn coffee (well that's sort of real in underdeveloped world). The whole thing feels more like an Uncharted videogame sequence than a dream.
I'm not talking about a fake fat Tom Hardy (in the real world he looks like Bane and Max, here he is obese, fucking overweight)
(and what da fuck is he doing here? like some... Marlon Brando Kurtz's shit?)
Or poor developed characters like Yusuf; that guy is as real as a polyester carpet. I think he has been CGI generated or something.
So Fischer has been trained, the plan is totally fucked up. If they die, they gonna end up forever trapped in a Limbo mainly made of Cobb's Unbewüsten (please note I'm using the original Freudian term here "Subconscient" is the redneck equivalent, and a minor prove that we are in a dream cause Why would a dream specialist use a term like subconscience? Dah... I mean, are we like in the 60's or something?)
The risk is just too great, there's an army of Fischer's dreamy white cells projections trying to kill them... Why don't they wake up? They should have aborted the plan, not going to 2nd and 3rd level of the dream but waking as fast as they could with the kick. Why would you go downwards? Just get the kick!... unless... Well, there's no kick waiting for them on "reality". They can't fasten up the plan in the 1st level. All they can do, is go deeper into Fischer's mind and make him accept the inception, and as a consequence (we can only assume this, cause this is NEVER EXPLAINED!!!) lower his defenses allowing Cobb and the gang to "sit" on the 1st level for a week without risk.
The movie never tell you this, at least not as pristine and concise as I have. But Yeah that's the plan. Moronic as fuck.
Well first of all, Saito has been shot... I mean the guy is not gonna last a week there. Ok, ok, whatever. Cobb goes to Limbo and rescue him, I get it. But how? He brought a gun, so I think Cobb's planning to shoot Saito? But, but Wouldn't that make Saito go even like... deeper? I mean wasn't that the reason why they couldn't shoot Saito first of all? I guess when you shoot people on Limbo they magically wake up. But where? In "reality"? 1st level seems to be what happened, but he's still gravely wounded on the 1st level!!!
I guess when you shoot people on Limbo they magically heal when they wake up on another level?
Absence of all logic! Clear sign we are in a dream!
Wait, wait, we don't know a thing about the dream rules... but to me the logical consequence of shooting people on Limbo would be to wake up on reality not on 1st level, if that's the case why not the 2nd or the 3rd level? This is like going through Interstellar worm-hole, was it a black hole? I don't know, the thing that look like something made from cheap wood.
Anyway Cobb's shot Saito on Limbo and then I guess he shoots himself?, and perhaps I got it wrong and they wake up on the plane; but assuming that: wouldn't that make them wake earlier than their partners?...
Because fat Tom Hardy, and Yussuf, the bald thin ugly guy that made Premium Rush, and the chick from Juno they all still need to sit for a week in the first level, that's about let's say 6 more hours of sleep...
But we see them waking up, looking at each other and stupidly jiggling at the same time!
And there are only 20 minutes left to reach Los Angeles! That makes no sense if they've fastened up the plan... Ok: If you were planning to spent 10 years on 3rd level, 6 months on second level, 1 week on first level, In a 10 hours flight of """reality"""; if you fasten the plan you should wake with at least, let's say 4 hours of flight left not 20 minutes. (I should be given a Nobel prize for this finding)
- Those kids are not REAL!!!
I'm no expert but I can assure you Filippa and Juancito are not real. Kids are annoying as fuck.
These are like two adorable angels or something, minding their own shit, playing in the dirt or the sand..."they got plenty of room out there to dig"; and kids are not like that. Kids are always with their [...] mindless, inexhaustible, unstoppable, repetitive demands:
"He took my toy.""She hid my bear."
"I want to potty. I want a cookie. I want to stay up."
"I want, I want, I want!"
"Me, me, me, me!"
"Mine, mine, mine, mine!"
"Now, now, now!"
Besides, who you gonna trust? Their own mother? Or the guy that doesn't even remember their faces I say that Maude knows better (the bitch name is Maul, isn't it?), I say that right now she's reading them stories in the upper world, and Cobb's forever lost in that dream we call Inception, like in a coma or something.
I don't have my own kids, I have nephews, but I tell you: I can fucking remember their faces!!
- That reality, doesn't seem real.
We see a shot of Paris (The Eiffel tower is in the back, is like Hitchcock here "When you are in Paris show the Eiffel tower"), they go up the building to take a helicopter and
Saito surprise them there, he takes them on a ride to the airport, and tell them they can take a plane and go wherever they want. They do so, but surprisingly Cobb's choose to go... Paris! Now, why da fuck will they take a helicopter, then a Jet flight to go to the exact same city where they already are? This is a paradox if I know one.
- I know over the internet people discuss on how Cobb's totem is not really the Top but his ring.
The Top was his wife's totem, so it must be another small size object he knows very well, and actually in one scene after waking up he's playing with his ring. So why the ring appear and disappear from scene to scene? Why does it look like Cobb is always trying to hide his left hand (like in his pockets, or that awkward cross arm position, the Cobb position)?
Like good doctor Freud used to say: Cobbs wants to hump his own mother, I mean Cobb's using his ring whenever he's in a dream, so is pretty clear that sort of reflect his state of mind, in the dream he still feels married to Maude, he can't let her go... Ok, whatever with the cheesy symbolism.
In multiple scenes he has the ring in his hand, that indicates he's dreaming, right? right?
But you people, you got it all wrong: the Top is in fact his totem... only that inside the dream he's living. Probably in the real world - if, alas, there's such a thing - Cobb's using another Totem only known to him, but we never see that. We don't know what that totem looks like. We don't even know if in reality the totems thing works.
Besides I don't understand the logic of showing other people your Totem
Sure you never let them touch it. But wouldn't be better if it were like a complete secret... Let's say I want to steal your totem; well first of all I need to know how the goddamn thing looks like!
I would be fucking terrified of showing another soul my Totem - not even say a dream extraction/inception specialist - . My Totem, my anchorage to reality, my most precious possession would be for my eyes only, (and I would keep it hidden in my butt).
Maybe Cobb didn't have a totem... Well we never actually see his totem. Why would you wear your dead wife's totem? Because it reminds you of her... Ok, whatever... plus a ring, a die or a chess piece, well, are not as useful, cause won't continuously spin... you'll know you're in a dream or not, cause of the size and the weight, but it won't present you a prove as definitive as the Top does (maybe he kills her to steal her useful totem). Well maybe the dice... cause in a dream supposedly -there's a whole theory about it- always falls in the same number (only known to Josh Whoredone Hewitt)...
Let's focus on the whole MAL inception deal. Ok, so, the idea is that Mal has lost herself in the Limbo, they've living like 50 years there (without the real kids, that's cold! even for that witch that stabbed Batman standards), and she forgot that she's dreaming. So Cobb wants to remind her of that... but first of all I don't understand why call this an inception, cause this may well be an outsider's idea, but nevertheless supposedly is the truth!!! It doesn't matter, some will say, but the point I'm trying to make is I don't understand why he needs to implant this idea on her, when all he needs to do is show her the truth...
This is so typically male: Don't explain anything to your loving caring wife, just force the dumb cunt to do your willing. And all this, is intimately related to the inception itself... So, Cobb finds the safe where she's been hiding her totem. He uses the Top and locks the safe again. The idea is probably saying to her something like: Hey, whadabout if we check on our totems! and when Maude opens the safe the Top will still be spinning, and then perhaps she'll start thinking something like this: "Oh my god. Someone's been fucking with my Totem. I wonder whoooo?... I should leave the judgment on life-death decisions over my husband whom I completely trust."
But, the whole idea of forcing an inception on her is that she forgot she is in a, seeing the continuous spinning totem, wouldn't that make her realize that? You don't even need to mess around with her totem, just tell her:
"Goddamn it, Maude! Filippa and Juancito are waiting for us. Go get your totem and spin it. You'll realize we are in a dream."
Well I say, the mind knows better, I say that Mal is still living. First of all, those suicides are ridiculous. Why would you let be killed by a train? That's a horrible way to die. I mean, I can understand some suicidal jumping on a train, cause he wants to end his suffering... And the physical pain of being driven by a train could compensate the moral inner pain he's in,... and also, probably, he may want to call attention. Of someone: the passengers (I remember all I used to think when something like that happened on the subway was, "Oh, fuck, cuz of this moddafacka I'm running late!"), the machinist, the guys cleaning the little pieces of brain out of the tracks... But why da fuck would you kill your wife and yourself like that?!!! I mean, use a gun. Or a knife. Or gas: just open the oven keys, take like 10 sleeping pills with scotch and go to bed.
No! Let's do it the hard way, let's do it the Cobb way, let's do it with a train.
Specially when you don't like trains as Cobb says... some will argue well he doesn't like trains because it reminds him of his terrible suicide d'amour: but that's exactly my point. It's horrible and will traumatize you for life, if you survive, I grant you that, the fucking thing is effective...
I don't understand the logic behind Mal wanting him to jump with her off the building. She sends letters lying about how Cobb threaten her, to force him jump. But if she truly believes they're in a dream... Well she doesn't need any company... she could just jump and then wake him up with a kick? Unless Cobb's in a coma...
Ok. How the kick works: a kick may be created inside a dream and will wake you up. If you're in a dream inside a dream, it will take you to an upper level, AND if someone use a kick.... in an upper level... and you are in a deeper one it will wake you up anyway...? I mean Whut? Whut?... errr. I don't understand.
Finally a big doubt: is that a giant drilldo?
No. I mean, were they trying to make Leo DiCaprio look old when he meets Saito on Limbo? They failed, that's for sure, but Were they trying that?
Idk, I'm not so sure... Leo DiCaprio has one of those faces, he's in his 40s and he looks like a tween.
An about that a minor complaint: why da hell in millionaires nightmares (Saito here) they're still being treated like big shots! The guy is living in a modern Japanese castle with hundreds of bodyguards. Fuck you Hollywood.
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